The national higher education system is structured in 3 levels of university study
For the Bachelor degree level, admission is organized by fields within the specializations provisionally authorized or accredited in higher education institutions.
For more details, please visit the website of the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, Higher Education, section Undergraduate studies.
For university Masters level, admission is organized by fields, within the university accredited Master programs in higher education institutions, in accordance with the current legislation.
For more details, please visit the website of the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research, Higher Education, section Master's Degree.
For graduate level - Master and Advanced studies, admission is based on existing studies approved by the higher education provider.
For doctoral level, admission is organized in fields approved by the Ministry of National Education in higher education institutions.
For more details, please visit the website of the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, Higher Education section Doctoral Studies.
Competition for admission to all forms of education of the studies mentioned above can be organized in one or two sessions, before the beginning of the academic year.
The timeframe regarding the two admission sessions, the forms and competition tests are determined by methodology made public as provided by the legal provisions in force, which are displayed in the higher education institutions and published on their websites.
If admission to Bachelor degree is based on tests certain subjects, these can be held in Romanian or a national minority language in which they were studied.
For university studies organized in an international language, admission will contain a mandatory language skills test.