Research is an area of nationwide interest and is supported by national and European funds. Defining the researcher's profile and framing it in the research is strongly linked to skills acquired within the Higher Education in Romania.
Romania promotes the development of research capacities and exchange programs with foreign scientists by creating research opportunities with the purpose of increasing the visibility of Romanian research and harmonizing it with European standards.
The Ministry of Education and Scientific Researchthrough the National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation and other financing institutions supports the participation of Romanian researchers in European research projects for international partnerships through National Contact Points (NCP) on priority areas of the European Commission.
Research in Romania is developed both within higher education institutions and within national research institutes and follows the implementation of the Strategy and National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation 2014-2020 (RDI).
The RDI system in Romania aims at developing Science and Technology in order to increase the competitiveness of Romanian economy, to improve social quality, increase knowledge and widen the horizon of action.